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Watch the video to see how the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium uses the Fluke 438-ii power quality analyzer and motor analyzer to reduce water and energy . . .
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최대 50m 떨어진 거리에서 정확한 누출 위치를 감지할 수 있는 기술이 있다면 어떨까요? "획기적인 제품"인 Fluke ii900 . . .
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공기 누출 감지 장비가 200마력 압축기에서 생산되는 압축 공기로 가동하는 약 400개의 도구를 가동하는 13935.456제곱미터 . . .
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At the end of April 2005, Crystal Mountain Resort in Washington suffered catastrophic failure of two power filters associated with their chair lifts.
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Mac McArthur performs power quality studies for commercial, industrial, and residential clients.
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풍력 에너지 산업이 진화함에 따라 풍력 기술자 커뮤니티도 발전하고 있습니다. 이 특별한 풍력 기술 커뮤니티가 . . .
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Bob Despres of Jacobs Vehicle Systems® in Bloomfield, CT shares how he stepped up the motor maintenance program to be more proactive.
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Driving the future of flight, Fluke tools are in the hands of the everyday heroes of aviation. Seppo Huittinen is an instructor at Savo Vocational College . . .
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You could almost call it a happy accident. During a routine job at a large industrial facility, an electrical maintenance worker set a plastic kit on top . . .
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Maintenance electrical specialist Mark Newport was in the process of installing new electronic power factor correction units at multiple motor control . . .
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A ski resort near Silverthorn, CO., depends on its snowmaking capacity to augment nature's snowfall, especially during drought years.
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It was in his capacity as an electrical troubleshooter and an electronics expert that Gagne, almost two years ago, first began to use a Fluke 434 Power . . .
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After experiencing some nuisance tripping of breakers in the subpanel feeding the second floor of this industrial building, we installed a Fluke 1750 Power . . .
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3년 연속으로 1년에 두 번 특히 대형 3상 모터에서 고장이 발생했습니다. 시설 유지보수 관리자가 전기 계약자와 모터 . . .
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Ever fixed something and still not solved the problem? Sometimes multiple deficiencies can all cause the same symptoms.
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Because power quality issues are difficult to pinpoint, clients often reach the wrong conclusions about their power issues. That often leads to expensive . . .
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This case history comes from an electrical contractor. Several of this contractor's clients operate large commercial buildings.
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This case history involves the investigation of a utility transformer failure that occurred in a rural area surrounded mostly by farmland and open space. . . .
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A small city gets its water from a mountain lake 30 miles away. A pumping system at the lake brings water up a short incline and into a long gravity pipeline . . .
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The engineer carries a Fluke 43B on all trouble calls, because it provides a graphical display that allows customers to see a picture of the problem.
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In most facilities, lighting is a major element of operating cost. Part of that cost is due to energy, and part is due to maintenance.
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This case history is a classic example of the importance of a systematic approach to solving a problem. It involves a contractor who works with several . . .
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One winter morning, the electrician received a call from a local school. The caller said a transformer supplying power to three portable classrooms was . . .
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옐로우스톤 국립공원에는 간헐 온천 등 10,000개의 열수 시설이 있습니다. 따라서 Fluke 열화상 촬영 기술을 적용하여 . . .
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Filmwerks International is one company that has implemented a better way to monitor utility power for their backup UPS systems and generators
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미국 정유 공장을 유지보수하는 데 올바른 도구가 중요한 이유
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과학자들은 휴대용 열화상 카메라를 이용한 온도 측정을 포함하여, 화산 분출을 더 잘 이해하기 위해 다양한 중요 . . .
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Benco Dental은 가족 소유의 개인사업체로는 미국에서 가장 큰 치과 자재 유통업체로서 1,200명 이상의 직원이 미국 전역에서 . . .
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Electric fish, like knifefish, produce electrical signals used for sensing where they and their schoolmates are. Electric eels produce, in addition, more . . .
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What's in your toolbox? Yuengling Tampa Brewery
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The Yuengling maintenance team keeps the vintage facility brewing and bottling up to a million barrels of beer yearly. It takes a very lean operation to . . .
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Every building, whether it houses commercial, industrial, municipal, healthcare, or educational operations, must include life safety systems.
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Many services offered by ERS involve maintaining uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems.
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곧 출시될 프린터 시제품이 소비자에게 도착했을 때 아무런 문제 없이 작동하도록 하는 것은 이미 어려운 작업입니다. . . .
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Astronomers from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia have been working in Antarctica's interior since 1996. In collaboration with . . .
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MetalTech produces steel sheets. Maintenance technicians use the Fluke 1587 Insulation Multimeter to troubleshoot and maintain the equipment.
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전기 설비 현장 서비스 담당자가 전원을 켜거나 끌 때 많은 것이 걸려 있습니다. 그들의 안전과 고객의 안전이 최우선입니다. . . .
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Critical systems run smoothly with regular maintenance and reliable tools Everybody knows that consistent, dependable electrical power is critical to . . .
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상용 건물과 산업 공장에서는 에너지 비용이 빠르게 증가할 수 있습니다. 특히 오래된 조명 시스템이 설치되어 있거나, . . .
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Downtime is costly, both in terms of patient wellbeing and monetary costs - the X-Ray, mammography, and other systems themselves cost millions and a . . .
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Learn how the Fluke ScopeMeter® 190-202 portable oscilloscope, used by scientist Will Crampton and the crew on location in Suriname to measure the voltage . . .