Pressure controllers / calibrators, also referred to as pressure controllers, are pressure standards that combine digital reference pressure standards with hardware to automatically set and control pressure. Pressure controllers are typically bench-top systems, but can sometimes be fixed (rack), portable and/or transportable.
Here are six reasons why a pressure controller/calibrator might be just what you need to calibrate pressure:
1) Ease of use – Generating and measuring a pressure is as simple as typing in a number and pressing enter. The operator doesn’t have to perform any calculations or adjust manual valves and pumps. This simplifies training requirements and reduces the chance of user-induced errors.
2) Automation – Pressure controllers can be made even simpler to use by fully automating their operation. Automation insures consistency in process and simplifies data collection while reducing technician training requirements and freeing up valuable technician time. Computer based software, like COMPASS® for Pressure, can be used to communicate to the pressure controller/calibrator over its remote interface. The result is consistent, repeatable calibrations with a minimum amount of user interaction.
3) Wide range of coverage – There are a wide variety of pressure measurement devices in the world, covering a wide range of pressures. Pressure controllers are available with ranges from vacuum to 275 MPa. A single pressure controller can cover a wide range of pressures, providing excellent return on investment. For example, the 6270A Modular Pressure Controller/Calibrator can be used with modules with pressure ranges from 2.5 kPa (10 inH2O) to 20 MPa (3000 psi). With the ability to internally hold up to five modules, one controller can potentially cover all of your pneumatic pressure calibration needs.
4) Accurate and precise measurement solution – Pressure controllers can make use of the most advanced pressure sensing technology available. The result is measurement uncertainties comparable with traditional deadweight tester technologies.
5) Can be expanded to cover wider range or capability – Pressure calibration needs change with time. Your capability needs to be able to adjust with those changing needs. Pressure controllers can be expanded to meet your expanding needs. For example, additional modules can be added to the 6270A at any time, without the need to send the controller back to the factory for tuning or configuration. If your uncertainty requirements increase, a pressure controller can be a stepping stone towards a piston gauge system. By using the pressure controller you already own to float the piston, you reduce the initial investment for the system.
6) Quick – Many pressure controllers can get to a pressure in less than 30 seconds. Calibrations go quicker and more efficiently compared to waiting for stabilization with a manual solution, laboriously pumping up the pressure with a portable calibrator, or stacking and spinning weights on a deadweight tester.
When is a pressure controller not the right solution?
There are at least two situations where a different type of pressure standard is more appropriate than a pressure controller.
1) First, if the required measurement performance is better than what is available from a pressure controller, it would be appropriate to consider a piston gauge system. A high-quality piston gauge can provide extremely high levels of measurement performance over a wide pressure range. The Fluke Calibration PG7000 Series » can even be automated like a pressure controller, simplifying its operation.
2) Also, most pressure controllers require an external gas supply, like a nitrogen bottle. If the pressure calibrations need to take place where such a gas supply is not available or in an environment not conducive to a pressure controller, then you may want to consider a more portable solution, like the Fluke Calibration 3130 Portable Pressure Calibrator or the Fluke 719 Portable Electric Pressure Calibrator
Pressure controller/calibrators combine high level measurement performance and ease of use, giving you confidence in the pressure calibrations your lab performs.
If you are considering a purchase of a new pressure controller/calibrator, please consider the 6270A Pressure Controller/Calibrator. The 6270A lets you calibrate a wide range of pressure gauges and sensors and is ideal for pressure sensor manufacturers as well as calibration labs and instrument shops.